instituto de Tineo

instituto de Tineo
Our school - IES Concejo de Tineo

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


No contestéis las preguntas en el blog, enviádmelas por mail



Questions - 1 (for 1º)

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1.  What is the meaning of lockdown? (¿Qué significa "lockdown"?)

2. Fill the gap: "The lockdown started_____________days ago"

3. Who went to the shop? (¿Quién fue a la compra?)

4. Where is the wife working? (¿Dónde trabaja la mujer?)

5. Where is the son working? (¿Dónde trabaja el hijo?)

6. Who eats a lot? (¿Quién come mucho?)

7. A positive thing is __________________

Questions - 2

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1      What is the meaning of the words lockdown, getting through, to get on each other’s nerves, workouts, to overcome?

2     How long have The Anninis been in lockdown?

3      Who has gone shopping and how many times?

4      Where is Selenia working?

5      What has Alan learnt about his family that he didn’t know before?

6     When did Alan stop running?

7      How does he call the marathon?

8      What do they do to avoid feeling depressed?

9      What is one of the positive things of this lockdown?

10    Does Federico get online lessons?


 Start a lockdown diary. Write two or three sentences everyday

    explaining what you do and how you feel

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

Chimp Knocks Down Drone. Reading, Listening & Writing

1º: Choose level 1

Read, listen and answer the questions:

1. Where is the chimp?

2. Why are they recording?

3. What is the meaning of the words in black?

4. What is your favourite animal? Why?

                        click on the chimp      click on the chimp

Send the answers by email, not in the blog.

2º & 3º: Choose level 2 (or if you are brave 3)
1. Where is the chimp?

2. Why were they recording?

3. What is the meaning of the words in black?

4. Why do you think the chimp hits down the drone?

5. Do you like zoos? Why/Why not? (50 words)

martes, 24 de marzo de 2020


Answer these questions:
1. What is the meaning of the quote?
2. Do you agree with this quote?
3. Tell me something about Nelson Mandela

Contesta estas preguntas:
1. Qué significa esta frase?
2. ¿Estás de acuerdo con lo que dice?
3. Cuéntame algo sobre Nelson Mandela.

Have you ever watched the film "Invictus"? It tells the story of how Mandela got the whole South African nation to support the springboks (South Africa national rugby squad) during the World Cup back in 1995. I recommend it to you, it'll be a good plan for these days

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020


You may be missing playing Pokemon Go these days (I do), 
but you can watch this video and answer the following questions by mail or in your notebooks. Wherever you want!!

Quizá estos días estéis echando de menos cazar Pokemons (yo sí). Pero podéis ver este vídeo y responder a las preguntas que os planteo a continuación; hacedlo por correo o en vuestra libreta. ¡Donde queráis!

¡POR FAVOR, NO CONTESTÉIS EN EL BLOG! No pongáis las respuestas, pero si queréis, dejad un comentario sobre si os gustó el vídeo o no.

Os pondré las respuestas aquí el viernes.


1.    Who is this boy talking to?

2.    What is a Pokemon?

3.    How many pokemons does he have?

4.    Who is Pikachu?

5.    Is he real?

6.    Where did he go to catch a Blastoise?

7.    What is on his mum’s face?

8.    Does he have a girlfriend?

1. He is talking to his parents.
2. A type of creature that beats each other up
3. He has three accounts, one with 52, other with 68 and another one with 93.
4. Pikachu is a rat with red make-up on the cheeks. His body is yellow and he can produce electricity
5. No, he isn't
6. He went to his grandfather's house.
7. There is a Zaptos on his mum's face.
8. No, he doesn't.

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020


Here you have a quote:

Translate it.
What does it mean for you?
Tell me in the comments and I will know that we are in contact. If you can, do it in English, but if you do it in Spanish I will also apreciate it. Thanks a lot and a big virtual kiss for everybody.
Qué significa para ti?
cuéntamelo en los comentarios y así sabré que estamos en contacto. Si puedes hazlo en inglés, pero si no también apreciaré ver que me das tu opinión. Muchas gracias chicos, un besazo virtual.

domingo, 1 de marzo de 2020


We have been working with history. We have learnt about the Tudors, and especially about Henry VIII and his six wives. 
The students in 2º B have created wonderful displays which you can enjoy in the following videos:

And now, enjoy the song:

Which was your favourite part in this project?
Please, leave your answers in the comments section.