instituto de Tineo

instituto de Tineo
Our school - IES Concejo de Tineo

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020


No contestéis las preguntas en el blog, enviádmelas por mail



Questions - 1 (for 1º)

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1.  What is the meaning of lockdown? (¿Qué significa "lockdown"?)

2. Fill the gap: "The lockdown started_____________days ago"

3. Who went to the shop? (¿Quién fue a la compra?)

4. Where is the wife working? (¿Dónde trabaja la mujer?)

5. Where is the son working? (¿Dónde trabaja el hijo?)

6. Who eats a lot? (¿Quién come mucho?)

7. A positive thing is __________________

Questions - 2

Watch the video and answer the following questions:

1      What is the meaning of the words lockdown, getting through, to get on each other’s nerves, workouts, to overcome?

2     How long have The Anninis been in lockdown?

3      Who has gone shopping and how many times?

4      Where is Selenia working?

5      What has Alan learnt about his family that he didn’t know before?

6     When did Alan stop running?

7      How does he call the marathon?

8      What do they do to avoid feeling depressed?

9      What is one of the positive things of this lockdown?

10    Does Federico get online lessons?


 Start a lockdown diary. Write two or three sentences everyday

    explaining what you do and how you feel

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